Learn to Longarm Classes

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“To quilt is human. To finish is divine.”


If you have a pile of tops waiting to be quilted, let this be the year you learn to longarm quilt. Louise offers monthly quilting classes and you can sign up online now!

Class Details

In this 3-hour lesson, Louise overviews longarm quilting possibilities and shares the basic skills you will need to complete your quilts, even if you’ve never finished a quilt before.

Taking place on Saturday mornings (usually the first Saturday of the month), class begins promptly at 9 am and finishes at noon. With a maximum class size of 9 quilters, you will learn how to prepare a quilt, choose patterns, thread, and batting. Each participant receives a booklet covering the lesson information for your future reference. During our longarm quilting class, you will try free motion quilting, and pantographs, and observe the computer-guided longarm quilting machines.

  • Loading and preparing the quilt for stitching.
  • Review of threads and patterns.
  • Resources and techniques to improve your quilting design plans.

Wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Covered beverages and a snack may be useful. Bring a pencil to take notes in your booklet and bring your questions! All of this info and experience for only $75. Register for an upcoming Longarm 101 Quilting class. Pay using Venmo or you can send in the longarm quilting lesson registration fee or deliver it to Burlington Electric Quilters, 264 Cambridge St. Burlington, MA 01803.

Class fee is nonrefundable, but if you need to reschedule at least a week in advance, the fee can transfer to your new date.

After Class Completion

Quilters around the table at Burlington Electric Quilters

Once you take Learn to Longarm Quilt class, you are ready to reserve your first studio block. Choose from either a half-day (4 hours) or a whole day block (max 7 hours).

Let that pile of tops become a divine tower of quilts as you learn to use a longarm quilting machine at Burlington Electric Quilters.