Tag Archives: Burlington Longarm quilting classes

Gammill Longarm classes, Burlington Longarm quilting classes

Why Should You Join Our Longarm Classes at Burlington Electric Quilters?

Are you tired of the traditional way of quilting, hunched over your sewing machine, wrestling with your quilt like it’s a stubborn sausage casing?

Do you yearn to take your quilting skills to the next level?

Well, look no further than Burlington Electric Quilters, where we offer Longarm Quilting classes that will transform your quilting experience.

We conduct group classes to introduce quilters to the wonders of operating Gammill Longarm machines. Participants learn how to easily load their quilts, quilt their own unique motifs, and follow intricate pantographs.

You can visit our website to learn more about our Gammill Longarm classes.

Discover the Art of Longarm Quilting

In our private longarm coaching sessions, you will embark on a journey of discovery.

Here’s a glimpse of what you will learn:

  • Pinning Mastery: We’ll teach you the art of pinning your quilt top and back to zippers, ensuring a secure and smooth quilting process.
  • Loading Expertise: Learn the intricacies of loading the quilt top, batting, and back onto the longarm frame, setting the stage for a seamless quilting experience.
  • Machine Control: Gain proficiency in starting and stopping the longarm machine, giving you complete control over your quilting masterpiece.
  • Motif Magic: Discover the secrets of preparing your quilt sandwich for motifs, and even experiment with quilting across your top using pantographs or your own free-motion designs.

The best part?

Your introductory class is priced at a very minimal price and includes valuable quilting time on your very own quilt top and back, using a hand-guided machine. Don’t have a quilt top ready to go? No worries! Simply bring a piece of muslin or select one of the charity quilt tops that we have available at Burlington Electric Quilters.

Embracing Group Classes

At Burlington Electric Quilters, we believe in the power of a quilting community, and there are distinct advantages to learning in a group setting. In a group class, you have the unique opportunity to learn not only from our expert instructors but also from your fellow quilters. When it comes time for your first rental on the longarm machine, our instructors and fellow quilters will assist you in loading and quilting, creating an experience that feels almost like a one-on-one session.

While we’re excited to offer group classes, we understand that individual circumstances vary. For those who are unable to attend a class or have specific needs, we continue to offer one-on-one coaching. These personalized sessions ensure that you receive the attention and guidance you require to master the art of longarm quilting.

Ready to elevate your quilting game and embark on a journey of creativity and skill?

Join us and experience the joy of longarm quilting, where your quilting dreams can become reality. Stand tall as you effortlessly guide the longarm across your quilt, and welcome to the world of Burlington Longarm quilting classes!