Tag Archives: masks

Summer 2021 COVid Protocols at Burlington Electric Quilters

Masked and ready to quilt

Back from vacation and ready to quilt! It’s exciting to know that the Massachusetts COVid guidance changed while I was gone. At this time, I’m fully vaccinated, but believe I can offer the safest quilting experience by keeping up the COVid protocols I adopted a while back.

What does the Burlington Electric Quilters COVid safe environment include?

  1. We’ve always been open by appointment only and will remain this way.
  2. Masks over nose and mouth for everyone inside the studio.
  3. Hand sanitizer available for everyone.

Yes, this is more conservative than the current guidance, but many of you have health concerns. I want to provide the safest studio for all quilters. I’m happy to keep up the protocols that have kept Burlington Electric Quilters a healthy place during the pandemic.

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation. Looking forward to seeing your quilts and you soon!